Bedwyn Footpaths Group
2. Bedwyn Circular
Distance: approx 6.5km (4 miles)
Map: OS Explorer 157
Walking conditions: Moderate. One pedestrian rail crossing. Steady inclines. No stiles.
This circular walk rises from the towpath, through a restored ancient sunken path, to fields with beautiful views. After a short stretch along a Roman Road, it descends back to Bedwyn through woodland and fields.
From the village square (Grid Ref SU 278 645), head north-east along Farm Lane. Just after a road on the right (the Knapp), take the signed footpath on the right between garden fences. The footpath passes through a car park and turns left beside a hedgerow and then alongside the back gardens of houses.
Go through the kissing gate and cross the railway line with great care. Cross the field diagonally left and go through the kissing gate to footbridges over the river and the canal. At the towpath, turn right and immediately left through a gateway opposite the lock. Turn right onto the track (Frog Lane). After 450m (500 yds), turn left onto a bridleway (Galley Lane), signposted to Jockey Green (about 800m (½ mile) away).
At the Green, head half left to the road and, at the footpath sign, cross the road and continue to Bedwyn Brail. After passing houses on the left, keep to the right of farm buildings. Continue along a wide fenced path. Go through a kissing gate into woodland and out to a field. With woodland on the left, walk to the far corner of the field, ignoring a kissing gate seen about half way along on the left leading into woodland. At the corner of the field, turn right, with the hedgerow on the left. Continue downhill through two fields. At the bottom, turn sharp right and find the wooden gate to the towpath on your left. Go through the gate and turn left onto the towpath.
After about 450m (500 yds), at the road bridge, leave the towpath by going under the bridge and through the gate by the parking area. Turn left at the road and cross over the canal and the railway. At a junction, continue ahead on a track (Hatchet Lane). After about 800m (½ mile), take the signed cross-field footpath, heading towards the corner of woodland. Turn right and shortly turn left onto a track between two fields. Please note that the uphill section of this track is a permissive path. Continue to the road. Cross over and walk with woodland on your left to a cross-paths. A telecoms mast can be glimpsed in the woodland on the left.
Turn right and walk downhill. After about 210m (230 yds), take the wooden steps in the bank on the right. Follow the path diagonally across the field to a short enclosed pathway to a road, Browns Lane. Turn right. At the T-junction, with the Three Tuns public house on your right, turn left back to the start.
Make sure that you are suitably equipped for walking and note that these maps are intended as a guide only. Please respect the countryside, wildlife and livestock, and ensure that dogs are kept under close control and don't leave the path. Be aware that ticks are prevalent in the area.