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Bedwyn Footpaths Group

Links to local organisations
How do I join the group?Send an email to join our email circulation list for news of events and activities.
How much does it cost to take part?There is no charge to join our email list or our monthly walks. For some special events we may request a donation or have a charge.
Do I need to book to come on a group walk?No, unless the advertised walk requests booking.
What do I need to bring on the group walks?Wear suitable clothing and footwear for the conditions and bring a drink or snack for our rest stops. If you are walking without anyone known to you, carry an ICE card (in case of emergency card) in an outside pocket to alert emergency services to any medical conditions and a person to contact in emergency. We can supply you with a template for the card.
Can I bring my dog on a group walk?Yes, unless the advertised walk specifically states no dogs. On a lead and please walk at the back of the group in fields with livestock
How will I know if the walk is suitable for me?The walks are advertised to the group with distance and difficulty, number of stiles, inclines and other hazards.
How do I report a problem on a path?Report path issues to the right-of-way team at Wiltshire Council on the My Wilts app or let us know. Our volunteers can deal with minor issues, or report them for you.
Where am I allowed to walk?Here is a link to Wiltshire Council’s definitive interactive map showing all rights-of-way. Walkers can use all categories; footpaths, bridleways and byways. Wiltshire Council has a general rights-of-waypage which may be of interest - it can be found here.
Are there any accessible walk routes?The accessibility of Bedwyn’s rights-of-way depends on the degree of accessibility needed. Contact us for advice on whether a route might be accessible for walkers with wheels.
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