Bedwyn Footpaths Group
Privacy Policy
Bedwyn Footpaths Group is a not-for-profit community group and to comply with GDPR legislation we need to make you aware of what data we hold, what we do with that data, our privacy policy and your rights.
Email addresses and phone numbers
Bedwyn Footpaths Group holds your name and email address on a members email list for the purpose of sending you:
Regular Information on our walks and events
Occasional Information on our working parties
Occasional information on rights-of-way in our parish and locally.
Occasional Information of interest to walkers locally and nationally.
In some cases we may personally also have your phone number if we have been in contact with each other but this data is only held in address books or on our personal phones).
Your name, email address or phone number will not be given or sold to any third parties or organizations without seeking your permission first. (with the exception of a contact number given by you as a legal requirement for NHS Test and Trace)
Your name and email address can be removed from the Bedwyn Footpaths Group email list at any time on request by email to or by telephone to 01672 870587.
You have the right to see the information that we hold.
Email is our primary means of staying in touch with the group and no reply is necessary to continue to receive Bedwyn Footpath Group emails.
You can also follow our activities on our Facebook Group or follow us on Twitter, and everyone is welcome at advertised group events.
Photographs of walks and other activities may be shared on our website and social media accounts (currently this includes Facebook and Twitter). Permission for use of photos will be requested at each walk.
Website cookies
Like most other websites cookies are used on the Bedwyn Footpaths Group website to help users to navigate the website. Also known as browser cookies or tracking cookies, cookies are small, often encrypted text files, located in browser directories. The website includes a cookies acceptance option where users can choose which Cookies they are happy to be collected. See more information about cookies here.